This house has 1 million times better insulation than our little old weatherboard, so winter and summer it's very comfortable. But I love nothing more than beautiful mornings like today, bi-folds open and pool ready for the after school swim.
This was their first swim of the season a few weeks ago.
This is where you will find me most weekends...and all holidays! I have 6 books I'm planning to read. A group of friends have started a 'facebook group book club'. Loving it.
I bought these gorgeous prints from Kerri at Driftwood Interiors last year. I was originally going to pop them in cheap frames, but decided to wait and get them done properly. DH's job this coming weekend!
& when the chaos of this time of year starts to get to me...this is my mantra!
DH's birthday today and Connor's is Sunday. Set to be a great weekend!